Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The looooong waited arrival!

Last week was so completely awesome because my family finally came and visited!! I thought I would die without being with them for that long of a time, . Especially :) I missed his birthday, and so I wanted to throw him a suprise birthday party! It sure was a party, and we also celebrated my Grannys and Jonnys. Sorry about getting the numbers wrong dad...I just always assume you are younger because that is how you look. :) It was the best weekend! It went by so fast! We hung out at the beach a lot, and got to spend wonderful time together. I can't wait to go back home and be with them again! I love you fam!! Thanks for coming and visiting!!


Rachel said...

cute pictures.. looks so fun! But no pictures of OUR visit? C'mon at least some cute ones of Addie?? Miss you guys!

ash and jonny said...

hey time for a new post missy!

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

Jess I LOOOOVE that you have a blog!! You did so many fun things in California... are you sure you even worked?? Haha. I love you Jess, you really are the greatest! Lets not be distant.. since we live like two minutes from each other okay :)

Nancy/Bob said...

cough cough... when are you going to do a new post... now-ish...

Kevin, Chelsey, and Boston Pugh said...

Jessica hey how are you this is Chelsey Duke/Pugh. Hows everythings? just surfing the web and found your blog its way cute.

Jamie Nicole said...
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