So I have just been tagged by my good frind Erin Kay Taylor...ok, so not 'just barely', it was actually more than a week ago, I am just really slow at blogging these days. These are the rules, I must wrote 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsession/collections, and 3 random suprising facts about me. Get ready everyone! Let the tagging game begin! Oh, and at the end I choose five people that have to do this too. Exciting, right?!
I have a lot of joys in my life, but for sure my greatest joy of all times is MY FAMILY!!! My extended and immediate. For real I have the best family ever. I miss them more than they will ever know! We have awesome dinners on Sunday where the whole family gets together and we eat eat eat and laugh laugh laugh. That is what we are best at, and we are good at it too! :) Also, my family is just so welcoming to everybody. I could go on and on and on about my family, seriously. But just know that my greatest ultimate joy in life is my family, without them I would be lost. Because of them, I am the happiest and luckiest girl ever!
My second joy in life is...BEING ACTIVE! I couldn't narrow it down to one specific thing, so this is a pretty broad joy in my life. I LOVE playing sports, especially volleyball. I love boating sports, hiking, ect. Yesterday I learned how to skim board, it was difficult, but it is things like that in life that make me happy! I also had relay races on a playground for approximatly 2 hours. Oh the joys of life!
My third joy in life is SCHOOLING. It has to be, because it consumes a lot of my life!! There are such amazing experiences and things to learn during your schooling years. I am excited to get my degree, although I don't know what I will do in the real world! Snow College and Utah State University are true joys and passions in my life. The experiences I had at Snow and USU, and the ones that I will continue to have are priceless memories that I wouldn't change for anything!
*******I better shorten these things down or nobody will read them! I wouldn't. I will have to add som random pictures, whats a blog without pictures!?********
My greatest fear is that I will be seperated from my family! This goes along with the greatest joy in my life, so I won't expound.
My second greatest fear is not finding my trueee loooooove! That one is kind of embarrassing to write, but it is true. Scary.
My third greatest fear is...hmm...not succeeding. I want to have success in all that I do, and a great fear of mine is trying my hardest but still falling short.
Goal #1 M & HB!!!! (Money and hot bods! Mine and Erins WILL happen!)
Goal #2 Read scriptures and prayyyyy twice a day!
Goal #3 Be happy ALL OF THE TIME!! Because really, life is soooo good, there is no need to not be happy! The blessings always outweigh the bad, seriously.
My first obsession right now is for sure laying out. I love it. It is so relaxing, and I LOVE THE SUN!!! Its perfect to be in CA so I can, eh?
My next weirdo obession is Alberttacos. Can I just tell you... I LOVED Taco Bell...but this place is the most amazing fast food place in the world. Their bean and cheese burritos are massive, delicious, and cheap. Their chips and salsa are amazing...Chunky salsa with lots of tomatoes and onions...I want it everyday. It is open 24 hours, and I wish they had one in Logan.
Third obession. Running. Ok, maybe it ISNT an obsession, but I am MAKING it an obsession!! I must do it EVERYDAY! So I guess this could be a goal of mine? It goes along with M & HB. A guy at the gym told me he has not come down there one time that I have not been there. Haha...I guess we just go at the same time always. But yeah.
1. I would choose a bean and cheese burrito over any other food any day. Haha, thats the first thing that came into my head...I want Alberttacos!
2. I have a crush on a guy from Bachelorette. His name is Graham, and I love him. Hahahaha.
3. I love meeting new people! I have met awesome people here in Ca... and I am sure there are much more to meet!
***Ok, I think I covered all of the bases. I would like to thank my dear friend Erin for allowing me this opportunity. I would love to tag ASHLEY, RACHEL, KELS...and thats all. I don't have very many blogging friends, haha.***